Client: ST Engineering MRAS

Industry: Aerospace – Nacelle Systems

Challenge: ST Engineering MRAS, a leader in nacelle systems manufacturing, needed an engaging and informative animated video to illustrate their advanced technology. Their goal was to clearly communicate the intricate design and functionality of their nacelle systems to a broad audience, including both industry experts and potential clients.

Fluency’s Solution:

  • Brand Alignment: Collaborated with ST Engineering MRAS to understand their technology and core messaging. Developed a visually compelling animation that accurately represented their innovative nacelle systems.
  • Detailed Storyboarding: Created a comprehensive storyboard to map out the animation flow, ensuring technical accuracy and coherence.
  • Advanced Animation Techniques: Utilised cutting-edge animation software to create detailed 3D models and realistic animations.
  • Simplified Explanations: Broke down complex engineering concepts into easily digestible segments with visual metaphors and clear explanations.
  • High-Quality Production: Enhanced the animation with high-resolution graphics, smooth transitions, professional voiceover, background music, and sound effects.


  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: The animated video effectively showcased ST Engineering MRAS’s nacelle systems, highlighting their advanced features and operational efficiency.
  • Positive Feedback: Received acclaim for its clarity, engaging visuals, and technical precision, serving as a valuable marketing and educational tool.

Please click here to view the full animation on YouTube.

This project highlights Fluency’s ability to bring complex engineering concepts to life through high-quality animation, ensuring clear communication and audience engagement.

Contact Fluency today to create engaging visual content that effectively conveys your brand’s innovation and expertise.